3 Ultimate Wins of Starting Your Own Yoga Studio
debonie lewis debonie lewis

3 Ultimate Wins of Starting Your Own Yoga Studio

In the Yoga Collective, I want to be careful to balance all negatives with positives. How typical of me and my Aquarius moon to start our new rebranded blog with the challenges! But better to start off knowing what you're getting into rather than think starting a yoga business is all savansanas and breath work when really it's 10 Sun Salutation B's in a row 🙃

The WINS of starting your own yoga business you ask? These are my 3 Ultimate Wins of Starting my Own Yoga Business

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The Yoga Collective - 3 Ultimate Challenges of Starting your own Yoga Business
Yoga Business, Yoga Lifestyle debonie lewis Yoga Business, Yoga Lifestyle debonie lewis

The Yoga Collective - 3 Ultimate Challenges of Starting your own Yoga Business

You ever wake up one day and think, “hmm, I should start a business."

I am sure many of us have. The difference is, many of us don't actually… Fortunately for you all reading this, I actually took the plunge. My niche is Yoga and I started the business AIMwell Yoga and Non-Profit AIMwell Kids at the beginning of 2023. It has been 5 months trudging along and I feel I am at a stage to actually reflect on this journey so far.

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